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Homecraft – Accesorio para lavar los pies para personas con movilidad reducida

Treat your tired, neglected feet to a stimulating massage as you clean, smooth, refresh and soothe them. The Soapy Soles gentle massage foot pad has hundreds of soft little fingers to clean your feet with no bending or reaching. It attaches to the bathtub or shower floor by powerful suction cups on its underside. Simply wet it, apply a quantity of your favourite liquid soap and rub your foot back and forth for a thorough, soothing foot wash. This is a fantastic solution for people with limited lower extremity movement, back pain or those with balance problems. It is also great for pregnant women and for people experiencing circulation problems.
Con cientos de pequeños dedos suaves para limpiar sus pies y masaje, sin necesidad de agacharse
Puede explicarse por las fuertes ventosas para el baño o la ducha de montaje
Con su serie favorita de usar para la máxima Fußwäsche calmante
Fantástica solución para las mujeres embarazadas y las personas con movilidad reducida, dolor de espalda o personas con equilibrio o problemas circulatorios,
Reutilizable – una suela por paquete